The chosen colors are intended to evoke a related mood. White is attached to the Paladins, Grapplers (Monks) and Clerics, as those are the three "good" classes. Conversely, black (evil) is connected to the Necromancers, Xsionicists and Witches/Warlocks. Locations are assigned the color brown since many of the locations are (obviously) above earth or underground. Monsters are dangerous and thus have the color red. Treasure has been connected to the color orange as it is reminiscent of the color of gold. Yellow is used for the Fighters, Valkyries and Knights because they are the bold classes. Druids, Rangers and Barbarians are all connected to nature and the wilderness, and have thus been assigned the color green. Thieves, Assassins and Jongleurs (Bards) use the color blue since it is the color of shadows. Purple is a mysterious color, and is appropriate for Sorcerers, Magic Users and Illusionists. And finally, mundane equipment is assigned the color grey or silver.
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